This privacy policy explains how Energy Cities (Association Loi de 1901, 4 chemin du Fort de Bregille, 25000 Besançon – France) (« we », « us ») may collect, store and process your personal data, for which purpose, and what are your data protection rights.

How we collect your personal data

  • We collect your personal data when you subscribe to our newsletters and mailing lists and when you register to our events;
  • If your organization is a member of Energy Cities: as such, your personal data will be included in our contact database to keep you up-to-date regarding our activities;
  • We may collect your personal data when you collaborate with us on some European projects and initiatives, or when you participate to any other activities and events we organize;
  • We may collect your personal data from public sources online in the public domain, whenever your professional activity is directly linked to Energy Cities’ activities and working topics (i.e. fostering the local energy transition in Europe, informing EU local authorities and their partners on EU and national policies on energy and climate).

What kind of personal data we collect, store and process

The personal data we may collect, store and process are: your name and surname, your gender, your email address, your phone number, your job position and organization, and your professional postal address.

What do we use and process your personal data for

We may use your personal data in order to:

  • if your organization is a member of Energy Cities, send you emailing on our network activities, on EU policies, on EU call for projects, funding and partnerships opportunities;
  • send you our monthly newsletter;
  • send you other newsletters of various frequency from European projects or other campaigns and initiatives we manage;
  • send you, a few times a year, direct targeted emailing for the promotion of our events, projects and new publications;
  • when you register online to our events, the data you provide on our registration forms are used by us to manage your registration and to enable us to communicate with you for the purpose of the event. Your name and surname, job position, organization and country will be included in the list of participants that is distributed during the event. We do not add your phone number or email address in the list of participants of our events;
  • we may send you our yearly paper magazine « Energy Cities INFO » using the postal address of your organization;

You can unsubscribe from our newsletters and mailing list at any time, using the subscription link that you can find in every issue of our newsletters and in the footer of every message that you receive from our mailing lists.
Under no circumstances do we share your personal data with third organization, except if a competent authority demands it or if we have your express permission.

Where and how long will we store your data

Your personal data will be kept with us until you notify us that you would like your information to be erased.

Your data are stored on a server of our sub-contractor FC-Net (6, rue Gérard Mantion, F-25000 Besançon). This company is based in France and stores its data in France. Your personal information will not be stored out of the European economic area, even in a cloud.

What are your data protection rights?

  • You have the right to obtain from Energy Cities confirmation of whether or not personal data concerning you are being processed by us, and access to them.
  • You have the right to obtain the rectification of inaccurate personal data and to have incomplete personal data completed.
  • You have the right to obtain the erasure of your personal data from Energy Cities records.
  • You have the right to object or obtain restriction of processing.
  • You have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those data to another controller.
  • You can exercise your rights by contacting Energy Cities at [email protected].
    We will answer within a maximum delay of 8 days.

Changes to our privacy policy

We keep our privacy policy under regular review and we will place any updates on this web page.

Cookies policy

Please refer to our dedicated page.


You can exercise your rights by contacting Energy Cities at [email protected]. For questions about data protection, please contact us directly at [email protected]
You have also the right to make a complaint via the French supervisory authority, see

How to contact us

Please contact us if you have any questions about our privacy policy or information we hold about you, through this page or calling us +33 (0)3 81 65 36 80.